A curated list of public TEE resources for learning how to reverse-engineer and achieve trusted code execution on ARM devices
Playing with the Tigress software protection. Break some of its protections and solve their reverse engineering challenges. Automatic deobfuscation using symbolic execution, taint analysis and LLVM.
msp430 emulator for uctf (with remote GDB debugging, reverse debugging, and optional symbolic execution)
PowerJoker is a Dynamic PowerShell Reverse-Shell Generator; Unique Payloads with different results on Each Execution.
Dontbug is a reverse debugger for PHP
Fuzz anything with Program Environment Fuzzing
Automatic execution of multiple reverse shell payloads
PhantomBlitz: Yet another tool for reverse shell execution & payload generator by Dev. Gautam Kumar
Symbolic execution tool
Process execution for humans
#大语言模型#逆向chat.openai.comAPI工程和绕过Cloudflare Server来免费使用的ChatGPT
fabic 是一个Python库和命令行工具,用来提高基于 SSH 的应用部署和系统管理效率
TypeScript execution and REPL for node.js
翻译 - Node.js的TypeScript执行和REPL
Sandboxed Execution Environment
Pythonic task management & command execution.
翻译 - Pythonic任务管理和命令执行。
Leveled execution logs for Go
翻译 - Go的分级执行日志
Modlishka. Reverse Proxy.
翻译 - Modlishka。反向代理。
Unity il2cpp reverse engineer
翻译 - Unity il2cpp逆向工程师
Semantic Parser with Execution
#安全#Reverse engineering WhatsApp Web.
翻译 - 逆向工程WhatsApp Web。
Reverse Engineer's Toolkit
翻译 - 反向工程师的工具包