List of my favourite recruitment things 💫
Coderockr Backend recruitment test
用于职位发布,简历投递,招聘管理的开源项目,一个即刻能用的项目,Powered by Python & Django
⚛️ A place for developers to show recruiters they are available for hire
A project crawling online recruitment websites getting offer information
Google recruitment challenges
A simple Web Based recruitment Platform similar to Internshala or any recruitment website build using Java Server Pages
QSC Tech Recruitment 2020 Autumn Round Two
Trust-based Recruitment Mechanism in Mobile Crowd Sensing. This is the demonstration for our trust mechanism and recruitment algorithms.
公司主页: 产品官网:
The recruitment test to apply for an engineering role at Just Eat
Comprehensive list of company events at GHC, GHC-recruitment career pages, and GHC-related events
翻译 - GHC,GHC招聘事业页面以及与GHC相关的活动的公司活动的完整列表
基于JAVA的Struts2 web框架的网上招聘系统的实现
泰康保险集团数据信息中心健康险研发部招聘(联系方式, 潜力股无需关注应聘要求:)): 需求工程师 岗位职责: 1、执行需求分析、协助需求管理; 2、与客户沟通,确定需求边界,参与需求调研和产品定义评估,业务需求讨论与设计; 3、根据产品定义实现详细需求分析文档编写; 4、参与整个产品开发流程,与开发测试团队一起保证最终产品发版; 任职资格: 1、统...
Human resources recruitment monitoring system. It enables record keeping for candidates interviews and technical challenges.