Demo desktop apps built with Python & Qt. With examples for PyQt6, PySide6, PyQt5 & PySide2
Source code for the ZetCode PyQt5 tutorial
PyQt5 example
An example of an embedded VLC player using PyQt5
Translations of the official Qt examples into PyQt5 (also PySide2) and more. :bowtie:
Working Python backend example for QML with PyQt5
Example of reorderable via drag-n-drop list model in PyQt5
pyqt4 -> pyqt5
PyQt5 implementation of YOLOv5 GUI
PyQt5 Ui Library
Controle de Estoque PyQt5
Python IDE using PyQt5
翻译 - 使用PyQt5的Python IDE
PyQt5 stylesheets as submodule PyQt4 to PyQt5 upgrade
该仓库包含了一些有用的、减少人工工作量的Python脚本,并可作为初学者学习 Python 的示例
Python Qt NodeEditor (qtpy, PyQt5, PySide)