Fast data visualization and GUI tools for scientific / engineering applications
翻译 - 用于科学/工程应用的快速数据可视化和GUI工具
A fluent design widgets library based on C++ Qt/PyQt/PySide. Make Qt Great Again.
Learn to create a desktop app with Python and Qt
翻译 - 学习使用Python和Qt创建桌面应用程序
PyQt/PySide Widgets Modern User Interface
Your first PyQt app
PyQt Lolita
PyQt text editor tutorial repository
OpenTutorials 만들면서 배우는 PyQt 예제
yolov5,yolov7,yolov8,rtdetr with pyqt implement in pytorch.
Qt tools including PyQt Designer and QML plugins
Zernike Polynomials Application(PyQt Implement)
Python layer of Windows forms, based on PyQt and OpenGL
Combine the power of django and PyQt