Programming Language Theory λΠ
翻译 - λΠ编程语言理论
An introduction to programming language theory in Agda
Musicpy is a music programming language in Python designed to write music in very handy syntax through music theory and algorithms.
Plane wave density functional theory using Julia programming language
Repository for material related to the Programming Languages Virtual Meetup coverage of the Category Theory for Programmers book.
Resources for the working programmer to learn more about the fundamentals and theory of programming languages.
Books on programming language theory and linguistics in general.
Research on theory of programming languages λ, compilers, interpreters, functional programming, formal methods, logic etc.
✨ Programming Language Research, Applied PLT & Compilers
Blog: Programming theory, Java, Android
翻译 - 博客:编程理论,Java,Android
#编程语言#Swift 是由苹果公司开源的编程语言,用于编写iOS和macOS应用。Swift的设计以安全为出发点,结合了C和Objective-C的优点并且不受C兼容性的限制。
#编程语言#Python 编程语言源码
#编程语言#Kotlin是一种在Java虚拟机上运行的静态类型编程语言,它也可以被编译成为JavaScript源代码,由 JetBrains 公司主导。
#编程语言#Julia 是一款为满足高性能数值分析和计算科学的需要而设计的编程语言。
Gravity Programming Language
翻译 - 重力编程语言
Category theory in the context of (functional) programming
#编程语言#Clojure 编程语言。Clojure 是Lisp编程语言在Java平台上的现代、动态及函数式方言。