Create pkZip files with javaScript
Crack legacy zip encryption with Biham and Kocher's known plaintext attack.
BruteForce PKZip/ZipCrypto breaker
Smarter brute-force password searching for PKZIP encrypted files
Golang library for both compressing and decompressing data in the PKWare Data Compression Library (DCL) compressed format, otherwise known as "explode" and "implode" which differ from PKZIP.
Make stored PkZIP file unarchive in C
Small, fast .zip library using native CompressionStream, suits server and client
A 1014 Byte ELF64/DOS.COM/GameBoy/Megadrive/PDF/ARJ/PKZIP/7zip Polyglot Binary
recovers passwords and removes protection from ZIP, 7Zip and RAR archives created with all versions of PKZip, WinZip, 7Zip, RAR and WinRAR in their GUI and command-line incarnations. Being a flexible,...