Vue/Nuxt Page Transitions- Simple Demonstration
翻译 - Vue / Nuxt页面过渡-简单演示
A lightweight Vue.js plugin for page / route transitions.
翻译 - 一个轻量级的Vue.js插件,用于页面/路由转换。
为Vue应用添加页面间的转场特效( Page level transition plugin for vue-router)
A page transition plugin for vue-router
This is an example project for the following article:
Travel App, Native-like Page Transitions
翻译 - Travel App,类似本机的页面过渡
A page transition plugin for vue-router
Move a Vue app's location state into the Vuex store. Allows super-easy page-based routing with built-in slide transitions.
vue3 & vue router 4 page swiper with navigation direction specific transitions
#动画#Unobtrusive page transitions with jQuery.
翻译 - jQuery的页面过渡不引人注目。
Fancy page transitions
Full page transitions with react-router.
翻译 - 使用react-router进行全页面转换。
Travel App, Native-like Page Transitions
Flexible and easy to use page transitions.
Page transitions using framer motion and next.js
Simple and customizable page transitions for Next.js apps
A link component for page transitions in gatsby
□ Dead simple page transitions and lazy loading.
📖 Animate page transitions in Turbo Drive apps
A simple and easy jQuery plugin for CSS animated page transitions.
翻译 - 一个用于CSS动画页面过渡的简单jQuery插件。
Native-like Page Transitions with SvelteKit, A Travel App.
Travel App, Native-like Page Transitions (:atom: with React & Next.js)
Super easy magic-move transitions for Vue apps
翻译 - Vue应用程序的超级简单魔术移动过渡
Easily add custom folding and page-flipping transitions to UIViews and UIViewControllers
An orchestrator that eases out the implementation of page transitions