A seed project with vue and nwjs
Yeoman generator for nwjs applications
FFmpeg prebuilt binaries for NW.js / Chromium
Build NW.js applications for Linux, MacOS and Windows
Native PDFium ported for node, iojs and nwjs
Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
翻译 - 直接从DOM / WebWorker调用所有Node.js模块,并启用一种使用所有Web技术编写应用程序的新方式。
Desktop app to upload subtitles to OpenSubtitles, using Node.JS and NWjs
⚡ NW.js starter project powered by Gulp. ⚡
Make the nwjs window penetrable. (Windows only)
Chromium codebase with NW.js modifications. Based on https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git
Install nw.js prebuilts using npm (formerly node-webkit)
V8 Engine for NW.js
A Cross Platform GUI Client for youtube-dl written in nwjs + polymer + indexdb + awesome sauce
npm installer for NW.js
A clean NW.js & Vue.js quick start boilerplate.
Build NW.js applications for Mac, Windows and Linux using Grunt
Kiwix JS Offline Browser implemented as a Progressive Web App (PWA), and packaged as Electron, NWJS and UWP apps for Windows and Linux.
NW.js Demo 使用JS开发桌面端应用程序Demo
Awesome NW.js (node-webkit)
NW.js (node-webkit) shell script builder and packager scripts