Numerical Analysis Implementations in Various Languages
Repository for Numerical Analysis course given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bora Canbula at Computer Engineering Department of Manisa Celal Bayar University.
Python notebooks for Numerical Analysis
Notes and course material for MATH50003 Numerical Analysis (2022–2023)
Notes and course material for MATH50003 Numerical Analysis (2021–2022)
#Awesome#😎 Curated list of awesome software for numerical analysis and scientific computing
Timothy Sauer - Numerical Analysis(2nd edition); Solution to computer problems.
Computational Methods for Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis | 数值分析(张铁)实验
python library to process and visualize numerical-analysis-geometries
numerical analysis utility. 数值分析函数库.
A course in numerical methods with Python for engineers and scientists: currently 5 learning modules, with student assignments.
数值算法 Matlab 实践与分析. MATLAB Implementation of Numerical Algorithms.
Python toolbox / library for power system transient dynamics simulation with symbolic modeling and numerical analysis 🔥
This code can do some native numerical analysis on ballistic trajectory
Numerical optimization in pure Rust
Meta.Numerics is library for advanced numerical computing on the .NET platform. It offers an object-oriented API for statistical analysis, advanced functions, Fourier transforms, numerical integration...
Numerical Tours of Signal Processing