Library that helps minimize js you have to write
A demo for the no-JavaScript fingerprinting article
✔️Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkboxes & Radios. Pure css way to make inputs look prettier
翻译 - ✔️Font很棒的Bootstrap复选框和收音机。使输入看起来更漂亮的纯CSS方法
This is a video about a game that is written in HTML5 + CSS3 - JS
☁️☁️ nothing to see, a PLAN, and the ability to load lodash ☁️☁️
React code of mine.
Pure HTML and CSS apps without Javascript. Pure CSS calculator. Pure CSS pixel art app
翻译 - 没有 Javascript 的纯 HTML 和 CSS 应用程序。纯 CSS 计算器。纯 CSS 像素艺术应用
ES6 Promise written with ES5.
Social Share buttons without JavaScript