A Quantum-Safe Secure Tunnel based on QPP, KCP, FEC, and N:M multiplexing.
翻译 - 基于具有N:M复用和FEC的KCP的稳定安全隧道。适用于ARM,MIPS,386和AMD64
Golang connection multiplexing library
翻译 - 连接库多路复用库
network multiplexing and framing protocol for RPC
A Stream Multiplexing Library for golang with least memory usage(TDMA)
Stream multiplexing for Go
HTTP/TLS hostname multiplexing library for Go
Lightning Fast HTTP Multiplexer
翻译 - 闪电般的快速HTTP多路复用器
QUIC, a multiplexed stream transport over UDP
翻译 - QUIC,通过UDP的多路复用流传输
Unix domain network multiplexing for Go
Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) library for MATLAB.
Specialized .NET Streams and pipes for full duplex in-proc communication, web sockets, and multiplexing
Code of High bandwidth utilization digital holographic multiplexing: an approach using Kramers–Kronig relations
A simple but robust connection pool (with multiplexing) base on PyMySQL, mainly used for multi threads mode, which also compatible with single thread mode.
Implementation of paper "Zero-Forcing Methods for Downlink Spatial Multiplexing in Multiuser MIMO Channels" - Quentin,Lee
I'm learning network programming in C/C++ with using of multiplexing, multiprocessing or multithreading features available in Debian (and most Linux based OS).