Simple and Lightweight Theme for Jekyll
Monokai Theme Fixed for Chrome Dev Tools
#博客#Monochrome is a fast, clean and responsive hugo theme
One Monokai Theme for Notepad Plus Plus
A VS Code theme
Almost monochromatic themes for emacs in a few variants
🔴 Jekyll-Mono 🔵 is a simple and elegant GitHub Profile cum Blog theme
Dark theme for VSCode with italics support (good for Dank Mono, Operator Mono)
#安卓#Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
翻译 - Mono开源ECMA CLI,C#和.NET实现。
Intel One Mono,英特尔设计的等宽字体
A for of spaceship oh my zsh theme with support for operator mono font.
Enhanced VSCode Dark+ theme with italic support for Fira Code iScript, Fira Code + Operator Mono fonts, and Copilot hints!
The mono-tools package contains a series of extra tools for Mono users.
Mono/.NET bindings to the Unix Curses as well as GUI framework for creating text applications with Curses
翻译 - Mono / .NET绑定到Unix Curses以及用于使用Curses创建文本应用程序的GUI框架
A VS Code theme based on hyper-snazzy and optimised for use with the Operator Mono font
Mono Social Icons Font
翻译 - 单声道社会图标字体
Visual Basic Compiler and Runtime
Forked from VINS-Mono:
UPNP binding for Mono/.NET
#安卓#SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models t...
翻译 - SkiaSharp是基于Google Skia图形库的.NET平台的跨平台2D图形API。它提供了全面的2D API,可在移动,服务器和台式机模型之间使用以渲染图像。