Ant Design 移动端设计规范。antd-mobile 是 Ant Design 的移动规范的 React 实现,服务于蚂蚁及口碑无线业务。
A simple framework for mobile system design interviews
#安卓#Ant Design for React Native
翻译 - React Native的Ant设计
React mobile UI components library based on Arco Design
WeUI 是一套同微信原生视觉体验一致的基础样式库,由微信官方设计团队为微信 Web 开发量身设计,可以令用户的使用感知更加统一。包含button、cell、dialog、 progress、 toast、article、actionsheet、icon等各式元素。
Repo for hosting the Mobile Design Templates
#前端开发#A configurable Mobile UI components based on Ant Design Mobile and Angular. 🐜
The U.S. Web Design System helps the federal government build fast, accessible, mobile-friendly websites.
翻译 - 美国Web设计系统可帮助联邦政府建立快速,易于访问且易于移动的网站。
A Vue3 component library based on Material Design 2 and 3, supporting mobile and desktop.
ant design mobile/antd mobile的vue实现
Ant Design Mobile of Weex
翻译 - 杂草的蚂蚁设计手机
Taro 兼容 Ant Design Mobile
Ant Design Mobile Chart based on F2
Tweak mobile Pascal cards' thermal design power
Get started with Dva.js and Ant Design mobile.
Get started with Umi3.js and Ant Design Mobile.
A minimalist, Material Design inspired Ghost Theme for optimal desktop and mobile experiences
#安卓#antd-mobile samples
翻译 - 蚂蚁移动样本
#前端开发#A minimalist and user-friendly design, combined with an mobile first approach for the Home Assistant dashboard.
Material design mobile component library for Vue2 / 基于 Vue2 的 Material design 风格移动端组件库