Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
翻译 - .NET中简单,明确的中介程序实现
a medium inspired jekyll theme
翻译 - 中等启发性的吉基主题
The mediator with no regist process to split your iOS Project into multiple project.
A high performance implementation of Mediator pattern in .NET using source generators.
An implementation of the mediator pattern for asynchronous events in Javascript
A simple mediator for .Net for sending command, publishing event and request response with pipelines supported
Come learn about all the Gang of Four patterns (e.g. Adapter, Facade, Strategy, Mediator, Command and more) with C# and food examples!
Cross-platform GUI gRPC debugging proxy
MicroBus is a simple in process Mediator for .NET
Simple basic tcp hole punching between 2 clients and a mediator
🚃 A library for handling mediator patterns and simplified CQRS patterns within an event-driven architecture, inspired by csharp MediatR library.
.NET 9, Angular 18, Clean Architecture, Clean Code, SOLID Principles, KISS Principle, DRY Principle, Fail Fast Principle, Common Closure Principle, Common Reuse Principle, Acyclic Dependencies Princip...
翻译 - 使用.NET Core 3.1,ASP.NET Core 3.1,Entity Framework Core 3.1,C#,Angular 9.1,干净代码,SOLID,DDD,代码分析,Docker等的体系结构。
基于.net6.0的跨平台WPF学校信息管理系统,现代化UI界面、简单易用的功能让您完全控制管理学生、员工、用户、家长、班级、费用,收入信息、生物识别职工打卡,学生上学/离校信息推送等等, 项目使用MVVM 和Mediator设计模式。