#面试#Learn Low Level Design (LLD) and prepare for interviews using free resources.
#面试#Dedicated Resources for the Low-Level System Design. Learn how to design and implement large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
翻译 - 用于底层系统设计的专用资源。了解如何设计和实现大型系统。准备进行系统设计面试。
Useful Resources for Low Level System Design
How to be low-level programmer
Code Samples to understand SOLID design principles and Design Patterns in JAVA.
Source code for 'Low-Level Programming' by Igor Zhirkov
Low-level programming and algorithm projects for Holberton School Year 1
Low Level Designs of common data structures. These designs keep concurrency control, latency and throughput in mind. We use design patterns where applicable to make the code readable, extensible and t...
Various Low Level Object Oriented System Design problems are discussed in this space
LLJS: Low-Level JavaScript
Low-level network interception library.
Low level bindings for libsodium
General low-level API
Guidelines for low-level cryptography software
翻译 - 低级密码软件准则
SVG path low level transformations toolkit
Low level HTTP server library in Rust
SimpleSAMLphp low-level SAML2 PHP library
Low level tooling for WebAssembly in Rust
Low level access to Cortex-M processors