C# library to serialize LINQ expressions
Example of creating dynamic LINQ expressions
Complement for System.Linq.Expressions
LINQ extensions to help build IQueryAble Expressions
翻译 - LINQ扩展可帮助构建真正的RESTFul API
Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
Runtime parser for string expressions (formulas, method calls). Builds dynamic LINQ expression tree and compiles it to lambda delegate.
System.Linq.Expression expressions optimizer. http://thorium.github.io/Linq.Expression.Optimizer
LINQ to Regex library provides language integrated access to the .NET regular expressions.
Math.NET LinqAlgebra - computer algebra based on linq expressions
LINQ to GameObject - Traverse GameObject Hierarchy by LINQ
Linq to database provider.
翻译 - Linq到数据库提供程序。
linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
.NET LINQ capabilities in Go
🌀LINQ for TypeScript
翻译 - 🌀LINQfor TypeScript
LINQ to TypeScript
Tx (LINQ to Events)
C# expressions interpreter
JavaScript Regular expressions made easy
翻译 - JavaScript正则表达式变得简单