#前端开发#🔥🚀 Here you will find all the materials required for a fresher front-end interview. 💡📚 A list of helpful front-end related questions, answers, notes, blog, video, code example 🎁 You can take inte...
A curated list of popular tools, tips and tricks for aspiring developers.
Endpoint for Junior Developer position test assignment
Java Junior Developer Training Course 120hrs
Small Projects for Junior Developers
#博客#Helping junior developers navigate the complex world of software engineering without experiencing information overload.
Feasible, organic software project ideas that are suitable for all developers, including junior ones.
Stuff every Junior Developer should Know
35C3 Junior CTF pwnables
翻译 - 35C3初级CTF可出售物品
34C3 Junior CTF pwnables
Вопросы из собеседования на python junior
A front-end framework for building html5 mobile apps with a native look and feel.
翻译 - 用于构建具有本机外观的html5移动应用程序的前端框架。
Improved BASIC for C256 Junior
Super Junior相关同人
My Final Assignment in junior year.
Empresas que constantemente oferecem vagas para junior e estagiários sem exigir experiência prévia
翻译 - 不断为初级和实习生提供职位的公司
A collections of tutorials for junior system engineer
#学习与技能提升#Что нужно знать бэкенд-разработчику web-приложений. Backend Roadmap (from Junior to Senior).
주니어 개발자 채용 정보
翻译 - 初级开发人员职位
Website for the Junior Dev Struggle Bus Meetup