A specification for building JSON APIs
翻译 - 构建JSON API的规范
A framework for building JSON:API compliant REST APIs using ASP.NET and Entity Framework Core.
This is the code repository that goes along with the "TheNewStack" article for RESTful JSON API post
JSON:API support for Django REST framework
A collection of JSON schema files including full API
翻译 - 包含完整 API 的 JSON 模式文件集合
Build client libraries compliant with specification defined by jsonapi.org
高效的 C++ JSON 解析/生成器,提供 SAX 及 DOM 风格 API
A lightweight API resource for Laravel that helps you adhere to the JSON:API standard. Supports sparse fieldsets, compound documents, and more.
Redux actions, action creators and reducers to make life with JSON APIs a breeze.
Metaquotes MQL5 - JSON - API
Java API for JSON Binding (JSON-B)
Modern XMPP, with a JSON API
A Modern Fortran JSON API
Turn your node app into a JSON API server (http://jsonapi.org/)
翻译 - 将您的节点应用程序变成JSON API服务器(http://jsonapi.org/)
JSON API library for Java
JSON Schema of VK API
JSON Server docker image, REST API mocking based on plain JSON
RESTful JSON API for django-oscar
JSON API (jsonapi.org) package for Laravel applications.
JSON API <-> NSObject via RubyMotion