Learn the basics of JavaScript in 14 minutes
翻译 - 在14分钟内学习JavaScript的基础知识
A Java implementation of doc2vec in ICML'14
Docker images of Java 8/11/14 provided by Oracle
GitHub Action to install any version of Java (GraalVM, Java 8, Java 11, Java 14, ...) via Jabba. Works for any JVM language including Java, Scala and Kotlin.
Java Nesne Tabanlı Programlama Challenge
Exploring Java 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
💻 Demo Java 14 + Spring - hands on
Playing with Java 14 Records and Interfaces for mixins
Marmara University CSE 3063 Java Project Group 14
C++14 Dependency Injection Library
Downloadable code examples for my books, "iOS 14 Programming Fundamentals With Swift" (bk1) and "Programming iOS 14" (bk2).
Python to C++ 14 transpiler
iOS 14 semi-untethered jailbreak
Ripple effect for Android 14+
This repository contains assignments and examples for the 2014 offering of the POSA MOOC (see www.coursera.org/course/posa for more information)
C++14 State Machine library
C++11/C++14 Variant
Small C++14 render engine
Source code and assignments for the Programming Cloud Services for Android Handheld Systems Course
Header only C++14 mocking framework