Hands-on tutorial for building and deploying Kubernetes Initializers.
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Cloud Native App Initializer is committed to providing developers with a simpler and more efficient project construction experience in the current cloud-native era.
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Xcode Source Code Extension to Generate Swift Initializers
jQuery plugin for dynamically created elements initialization
Install and update Laravel application with single command. Outdated repository, check out updated link.
翻译 - 初始化应用程序的便捷方法
Compile-time directive to lazy initialize v-show for Vue
Initialize Clojure classes at build time with GraalVM native-image
How to initialize Anchors in Faster RCNN for custom dataset?
OV7670 Camera Module Initialize with XILINX ZYNQ Driver
A library to initialize the volume fraction scalar field
Initialize a openvpn instance for mac, windows & linux
battery packed template / boilerplate to initialize Next.js app with Chakra UI & Typescript setup ✨
template to initialize vite react-ts app with Chakra UI setup ✨
personal practice(个人练习,实现了深度学习中的一些算法,包括:四种初始化方法(zero initialize, random initialize, xavier initialize, he initialize),深度神经网络,正则化,dropout, 三种梯度下降方法(BGD, SGD, mini-batch),六种优化算法(momentum、nesterov moment...
A GitHub Action to initialize various flavors of the Git for Windows SDK
Initialize the alpha (VOF) field with an input shape surface mesh in .stl format. The previous fluid shape will be retained.
CLI tool to initialize a React Native application with Expo. Provides options to include Typescript, file-based routing via Expo Router, configuration based routing via pure React Navigation, styling ...
🤫 You found a secret! halfrost/halfrost is a ✨special ✨ repository that you can use to add a README.md to your GitHub profile. Make sure it’s public and initialize it with a README to get started.
This is a drop-in category of NSObject that makes it easy to initialize custom objects from JSON or XML (SOAP included), and to serialize those objects back into JSON/XML. It only requires a little bi...