A page filled with common HTML elements to be used for testing purposes. Useful when building CSS systems for projects big and small.
Can you create something cool without modern tools?
翻译 - 如果没有现代工具,您能否创造出很棒的东西?
Build a Rock Climbing Company Landing Page with HTML & CSS
This project is for html & css practice. We made this for youtube tutorial purpose.
翻译 - 该项目适用于html&css实践。我们这样做是出于youtube教程的目的。
A one page HTML theme for creatives by Start Bootstrap
翻译 - Start Bootstrap为广告素材制作的一页HTML主题
Prerenders static HTML in a single-page application.
A one page HTML theme for agencies created by Start Bootstrap
Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pages
Material Design Based One Page HTML Template
Converts HTML pages into React components
Vue.js html/page title manager
An HTML DOM parser. It allows you to manipulate HTML. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery.
翻译 - HTML DOM解析器。它允许您操纵HTML。使用jQuery之类的选择器在HTML页面上查找标签。
Go package that cleans a HTML page for better readability.
A single-page resume template completely typeset with HTML & CSS.
A simple HTML page to test out your responsive web design
Extract <title> tag from HTML page
Rocketseat Home Page Clone with HTML and CSS
翻译 - 具有HTML和CSS的Rocketseat主页克隆
Responsive Landing Page Christmas Using HTML CSS And JavaScript
a html page for you to use GPT API
A flexible one-page fully responsive HTML template for your app
翻译 - 适用于您应用的灵活的一页式全响应HTML模板
includeHTML - Include HTML DOM nodes/parts (loading) via HTML tag into HTML-page for templates and SPA (pure js)
LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
Full day intro to HTML & CSS - multi-page website - (SLIDES - http://ladieslearningcode.github.io/llc-html-css-multi-page-site/slides.html), (SAMPLE PROJECT - http://ladieslearningcode.github.io/llc-h...
Django template tag for rendering Page objects as Bootstrap pagination HTML
Responsive Landing Page Using HTML CSS & JavaScript 🎧 | Headphones Website Design