Grammars written for ANTLR v4; expectation that the grammars are free of actions.
dplyr: A grammar of data manipulation
G2 一套面向常规统计图表,以数据驱动的高交互可视化图形语法,具有高度的易用性和扩展性。使用 G2,你可以无需关注图表各种繁琐的实现细节,一条语句即可使用 Canvas 或 SVG 构建出各种各样的可交互的统计图表。
Open-Source Grammarly Alternative
An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R
A Grammar of Animated Graphics
lsp-mode ❤️ grammarly
📚 Unofficial TypeScript client for the Grammarly API
Rocker breaks the limits of Dockerfile.
翻译 - Rocker突破了Dockerfile的限制。
Official implementation of the papers "GECToR – Grammatical Error Correction: Tag, Not Rewrite" (BEA-20) and "Text Simplification by Tagging" (BEA-21)
Program user interfaces the FRP way.
翻译 - 程序用户界面采用FRP方式。
This plugin displays your tex source in a textarea so plugins like grammarly can check it.
Docker composition tool with idempotency features for deploying apps composed of multiple containers.
#大语言模型#使用 OpenAI API 给文本进行润色和语法纠错的 Bob 插件!完美代替 Grammarly!Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0