A script for dynamically updating a GoDaddy DNS record. I use GoDaddy to host DNS for a domain and I wanted to point an A record in that domain to a host who's IP address changes occasionally. GoDaddy...
Simple script to check and update a Godaddy domain with your public ip address from you internet provider
koolshare 固件 Godaddy ddns 插件
Dynamic DNS with GoDaddy
PHP class for updating A records on GoDaddy's DNS service. Includes an implementation of Dyn's DNS Update API for supporting record updates via various Dynamic DNS clients.
Docker image to provide a DDNS service for godaddy domains
This script dynamically udpates GoDaddy DNS A record. I have to use Godaddy for a domain and I wanted a way to update the A record whenever the IP changed.This is particularly useful for home networks...
Symple python script to update a host A record in a GoDaddy hosted DNS zone, like DDNS
dnspod-ddns is a ddns updating tool of dnspod
Graceful shutdown and Kubernetes readiness / liveness checks for any Node.js HTTP applications
certbot'renewing letencrypt certificate plugin - automatic verification aliyun/tencentyun/godaddy dns
CloudFlare ddns / 树莓派IPV6 DDNS解决方案
Cloudflare DDNS minimal docker.
Python DDNS client for Aliyun
DDNS for RouterOS
The Dnspod DDNS with BashShell
Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings and secrets, digging deep into commit history