Auto Data Science - Python Library.
🌱 Heee's Development Blog
The largest collection of useful general GML functions (AI, Linear Algebra - Vectors, Arrays, Structs, Strings, File Search, Conversions etc)
Script AutoCad AutoLISP para la generación de ficheros Catastro GML INSPIRE de parcela catastral y de edificio. Etiquetas: gml, parcela catastral, sec, inspire, autolisp, autocad, catastro, cadastre, ...
GML & KML loader written in Python using OGR
An experimental utility to convert CityGML data to OBJ, featuring decoupling of objects and conversion of attributes to colours
A Maven plugin that generates dependency graphs in various formats (DOT, GML, PlantUML, JSON and Text)
Sincerely ImNotGui : GML bootleg-ish port of Dear ImGui by ocornut.
🎶 GML bindings to the FMOD Studio low-level API for GM:S and GMS2. Can be used in Windows, macOS, and Linux games.
A Java-based software for visualizing and translating the KEGG PATHWAY database. Conversion of KGML files into BioPAX, SBML, GraphML, GML, and various other formats.