A cheatsheet on the usage of git flow
翻译 - 有关git flow用法的速查表
Interactive cheatsheet, visualization of git.
Basic Git commands and other useful info
A cheatsheet for git commands.
A cheatsheet that visualizes commands for git
An opensource initiative to which over 37 individuals from all over the world collaborated in order to streamline the process of learning Git and GitHub.
Zack Rusin's visual git cheatsheet
CheatSheet For Git & GitHub
A step-by-step guide to getting started with Git and GitHub for beginners.
Часто используемые трюки и советы при работе с Git
Interactive git cheatsheet for quickly searching through commonly used commands with examples
#速查表 cheatsheets#Python 速查表。记录了List、String、正则表达式、多线程等Python基础语法,以及Web、爬虫、图像、数据分析等框架的常见用法
#速查表 cheatsheets#收集其他各种 cheatsheet
Reverse proxies cheatsheet
翻译 - 反向代理备忘单
#速查表 cheatsheets#All-inclusive Python cheatsheet
📖 Flexbox cheatsheet
#夺旗赛 (CTF) 和网络安全资源#Web CTF CheatSheet 🐈
翻译 - Web CTF速查表🐈
ECMAScript features cheatsheet
C# Cheatsheet
Markdown Cheatsheet for Github Readme.md
WAF Bypass Cheatsheet
Hashcat Cheatsheet for OSCP
jQuery interactive cheatsheet
Vue.js 2.2 complete API cheatsheet
翻译 - Vue.js 2.2完整的API速查表
Cheatsheet for promises and async/await.