🚀 Deploy your 🅰️Angular app to GitHub pages, Cloudflare Pages or any other Git repo directly from the Angular CLI! Available on NPM.
#博客#[DEPRECATED] ✏️ A blog based on GitHub Pages built with Vue.js 2 + webpack 3.
Deploy arbitrary static assets through GitHub Actions
An example of how you can deploy a static Flask app on Github pages
📄⚙️ GitHub Action to build AsciiDoc GitHub Pages: recursively converts every adoc file to html, renaming resulting README.html to index.html. It also enables generating an ebook.pdf or AsciiDoctor Re...
an intro workshop about github pages and jekyll
ghpages support for XSBT projects.
Example repo to host xaringan on ghpage
Plugin extending jekyll-commonmark-ghpages that gives the ability to use tabbed code blocks on Jekyll-generated sites