Complete Ruby geocoding solution.
翻译 - 完整的Ruby地理编码解决方案。
C# wrapper class for simple geocoding and reverse geocoding requests to the Google Maps Geocoder API
Package to make Geocode requests. It exposes two methods to translate coordinates into locations and addresses into coordinates.
Cache for reverse geocoding request
This project makes CLR file which provides making Geocoding requests in database.
Google Maps + Marker + Request Location + Polyline + Circle Radius + Geocoding
geocode city names without network requests
Haskell interface requesting the OpenCage geocoding service
Script command to geocode a list of addresses and request Sigfox coverage
Go library to access geocoding and reverse geocoding APIs
Geocoding library for Python.
翻译 - 适用于Python的地址解析库。
nodejs geocoding library
Gustavo Niemeyer’s geocoding system
C# GeoCoding / Address Validation API
OAuthlib support for Python-Requests!
翻译 - OAuthlib支持Python请求!
jQuery Geocoding and Places Autocomplete Plugin
CLLocationManager wrapper in Swift, performs location update, geocoding and reverse geocoding using Apple and Google service
🎭 Twisted Deferred Thread backend for Requests.
NTLM authentication support for Requests.
An authentication handler for using Kerberos with Python Requests.
Persistent HTTP cache for python requests
Flutter plugin for forward and reverse geocoding
A geocoding/address-lookup library supporting various api providers.
Requests for PHP is a humble HTTP request library. It simplifies how you interact with other sites and takes away all your worries.
翻译 - 对PHP的请求是一个不起眼的HTTP请求库。它简化了您与其他网站的交互方式,消除了您的所有烦恼。