A Gentoo Portage configuration for building with -O3, Graphite, and LTO optimizations
official gentoo haskell overlay
[MIRROR] Seed data for api.gentoo.org
A gentoo installer with a TUI interface that supports systemd and OpenRC, EFI and BIOS, as well as variable disk layouts using ext4, zfs, btrfs, luks and mdraid.
Bootable 64-bit Gentoo image for the Raspberry Pi4B, 3B & 3B+, with Linux 5.4, OpenRC, Xfce4, VC4/V3D, camera and h/w codec support, weekly-autobuild binhost
[MIRROR] Common effort to get an official and automated gentoo base docker container
Official Gentoo ebuild repository
Gentoo Linux overlay
Gentoo Portage Overlay [javer]
NP-Hardass' Gentoo Overlay
Support overlay for Gentoo/Loongson users
Gentoo overlay for Tor Browser related ebuilds
Packer scripts to create a Gentoo Vagrant box
Gentoo overlay for Valve's Steam client and Steam-based games
Gentoo overlay for the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4