Vite plugin for shadowing files from a blueprint folder.
Frontend source code for YouTube playlist "Fastify + React Admin"
Ecommerce blueprint api & frontends based on microservices architecture, tech stack: nodejs, typescript, graphql, type-graphql, fastify, auth0, pubsub, postgres
Microservices. Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes, Github Actions, Kafka, Skaffold. Backend: Fastify, Prisma, Postgres. Frontend: Next.JS, TailwindCSS.
An example app with Vue at frontend and Fastify at backend.
Fastify driven vue frontend
Backend for frontend on Fastify
Serve front-end directory through fastify server
Fast and low overhead web framework, for Node.js
翻译 - 快速,低开销的Web框架,用于Node.js
Plugin for serving static files as fast as possible
Defaults for Fastify that everyone can agree on
Zod integration with Fastify
Template rendering plugin for Fastify
Implement GraphQL servers and gateways with Fastify
翻译 - 使用 Fastify 实现 GraphQL 服务器和网关
Session plugin for fastify
API built with Fastify
翻译 - 使用 Fastify 构建的 API