Discord bot that creates voice channel temporarily by joining preexisting channel and deletes it when the channel is empty in discord.py
Connects Discord and IRC channels by sending messages back and forth.
Undiscord - Delete all messages in a Discord server / channel or DM (Easy and fast) Bulk delete
翻译 - 删除Discord频道或DM中的所有消息(轻松快速)批量删除
Simple framework to facilitate the creation of a temporary voice channels system using Discord.js
A quick way to automatically send Google Form responses to a Discord channel
❤️ Discord Moderation Bot that helps you filter commands, (allow) links or filter words in channels where they were not allowed. Script is Node.js based using discord.js built by @Refloow
Discord slash command bot for opening voice channel activities, using Cloudflare Workers
A discord bot to connect openai's gpt-3 davinci-003 model to a discord channel.
Shows Discord user is typing on a given text channel
Password+Cookies and more stealer, with sending logs into your Discord channel
A Discord bot that enhances First Come, First Serve in voice channel waiting rooms.
A Discord bot that automatically deletes all messages in a designated channel on a rolling basis
A node.js discord bot written to monitor the Clash of Clans API and announce war attacks to a discord channel. spAnser#2031
#网络爬虫#Monitor instagram user account and automatically post new images to discord channel via a webhook. Working 2022!
Create Discord server widgets for websites of all sizes! A simple to setup process for end-users. Server members may view or send messages into an embedded Discord channel.
Discord bot that changes voice channel names based on what game people are playing in it
The Modern And Developer Centric Python Web Framework. Be sure to read the documentation and join the Discord channel for questions: https://discord.gg/TwKeFahmPZ
翻译 - 以开发人员为中心的现代Python Web框架。确保阅读文档并加入Slack频道问题:http://slack.masoniteproject.com
Better Discord enhances Discord desktop app with new features.
翻译 - Better Discord App通过新功能增强了Discord桌面应用程序。
Automatic Discord muting for Among Us! No installs necessary, just enter the code, join the voice channel, and you're off!
Itabashi (板橋) is a bridging bot that syncs messages between a Discord and an IRC channel.