A guide to learn and become active in the demoscene within a couple of weeks
翻译 - http://www.pouet.net/topic.php?guide=guide=10882&page=1
Farbrausch demo tools 2001-2011
翻译 - Farbrausch演示工具2001-2011
Want to start making demos but don't know where to begin? Look no further!
My collection of bitmap fonts pulled from various demoscene archives over the years
翻译 - 这些年来,我从各种演示档案中提取了位图字体
A list of demoscene related tools, code and ressources.
Demoscene/Retro Music Player
Official WaveSabre repository
翻译 - 官方WaveSabre存储库
Demoscene graphics engine.
An endless randomised algorithmic Chiptune composition by Demoscene Time Machine
Experimental demoscene project using C99 and Direct3D 12. Fully standalone with custom windows, and d3d12 headers. No Windows SDK, libc or Visual Studio dependency. C and HLSL compilers included.
翻译 - 实验演示项目。 C99和Direct3D 12.完全独立,零依赖性(没有Visual Studio,没有Windows SDK,没有CRT,没有#include用法)。包括C和HLSL编译器。
Crinkler is an executable file compressor (or rather, a compressing linker) for Windows for compressing small demoscene executables. As of 2020, it is the most widely used tool for compressing 1k/4k/8...
翻译 - Crinkler是Windows的可执行文件压缩器(或更确切地说,是压缩链接器),用于压缩小型演示可执行文件。截至2020年,它是压缩1k / 4k / 8k简介的最广泛使用的工具。