⛩ Presenting custom views as a popup in iOS.
翻译 - custom将自定义视图呈现为iOS中的弹出窗口。
Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
*DEPRECATED* CNPPopupController is a simple and versatile class for presenting a custom popup in a variety of fashions. It includes a many options for controlling how your popup appears and behaves.
A toolkit for custom chooser popups in Wagtail
A Swift Popup Module help you popup your custom view easily. Support three way to popup, Drawer, Dialog and BottomSheet.
#IOS#An example of creating custom popups in SwiftUI
A custom flutter widget for tooltips and popups within your flutter app based off of the red instagram notification popups.
Powerful, Easy to use alert view or popup view on controller and window, support blur effects,custom view and animation,for objective-c,support iphone, ipad
#安卓#Xamarin Forms popup plugin
翻译 - Xamarin Forms弹出插件
React popup component
Customizable popup menu for iOS.
Cocoa project with Popup window appearing from the status bar
#安卓#Popup menu component for React Native
Popup Window Manager for Emacs
#弹窗#Light and responsive lightbox script with focus on performance.
翻译 - 轻便且响应迅速的灯箱脚本,注重性能。
#编辑器#🌷 Vim plugin that shows keybindings in popup
Automatically opens popup menu for completions
🔥A flutter popup menu. Pub enabled.