Low-level, Protobuf-based Java and Python client libraries for Cloud Datastore. Check out google-cloud-java and google-cloud-python first!
The simplest convenient interface to the Google Cloud Datastore
Google Cloud Datastore Library for PHP
Serverless GCP Cloud Functions + Datastore implementation of RealWorld Backend
Pangeo Cloud Datastore
Sails.js/Waterline adapter for Google Cloud Datastore
Sunny.js cloud datastore client (AWS S3, Google Storage, etc.)
Apache Pinot - A realtime distributed OLAP datastore
翻译 - Apache Pinot(Incubating)-实时分布式OLAP数据存储
#时序数据库#InfluxDB 是一个开源时序型数据库。它由Go写成,着力于高性能地查询与存储时序型数据。InfluxDB被广泛应用于存储系统的监控数据,IoT行业的实时数据等场景。
Cloudant Sync iOS datastore library.
A no-datastore, client-side paste service.