A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet(Capsules Net) in paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
翻译 - 在Hinton的论文Capsule之间的动态路由中,CapsNet(Capsules Net)的Tensorflow实现
A Keras implementation of CapsNet in NIPS2017 paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules". Now test error = 0.34%.
翻译 - NIPS2017论文“胶囊之间的动态路由”中CapsNet的Keras实现。现在测试误差= 0.34%。
CapsNet (Capsules Net) in Geoffrey E Hinton paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules" - State Of the Art
A PyTorch implementation of CapsNet based on NIPS 2017 paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules"
🎆 A visualization of the CapsNet layers to better understand how it works
PyTorch implementation of NIPS 2017 paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Official TensorFlow code for the paper "Efficient-CapsNet: Capsule Network with Self-Attention Routing".
A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet(Capsules Net) apply on german traffic sign dataset
A Tensorflow implementation of CapsNet based on paper Matrix Capsules with EM Routing
My attempt at implementing CapsNet from the paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
A Mxnet implementation of CapsNet in Hinton's paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Implemention of CapsNet from the paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Pytorch implementation for NIPS2017 paper `Dynamic Routing Between Capsules`
Pytorch version of Hinton's Capsule Theory paper: Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
An Attention-based Bi-GRU-CapsNet Model for Hypernymy Detection between Compound Entities
[NO MAINTENANCE INTENDED] A PyTorch implementation of CapsNet architecture in the NIPS 2017 paper "Dynamic Routing Between Capsules".
Prof. Geoffrey Hinton’ın “Dynamic Routing Between Capsules” makalesindeki Kapsül Ağı (Capsule Network: CapsNet) algoritmasının Keras Uygulamasıdır.
Unofficial implementation of Capsule Networks, Dynamic Routing between capsules (by tensorflow)
A CNTK implementation of CapsNet based on Geoffrey Hinton's paper Dynamic Routing Between Capsules