Keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
翻译 - 建立网站时,请确保多个浏览器和设备保持同步。
BrowserSync Plugin for Cordova
Source code for
User interface for BrowserSync
An HTML5 canvas boilerplate with ES6 and live-reloading with BrowserSync.
A starter project including full setup for Jekyll, GulpJS, SASS & BrowserSync
翻译 - 一个入门项目,包括对Jekyll,GulpJS,SASS和BrowserSync的完整设置
Client Scripts for BrowserSync
Easily use BrowserSync in your Webpack project.
How to use the Browsersync module with gulp.
Bootstrap 4.3.1 boilerplate with Browsersync, Sass and Gulp.js
🔥React Dashboard - isomorphic admin dashboard template (React.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, GraphQL, React Router, Babel, Webpack, Browsersync) 🔥
Grunt Task for keeping multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
Quick starter for Jekyll including full setup for Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, stylelint, TypeScript, Webpack, ESLint, imagemin, Browsersync, etc.
The simplest WordPress starter theme including full setup for Tailwind CSS, Sass, PostCSS, Autoprefixer, Vite, TypeScript, Browsersync, imagemin, Prettier, stylelint, ESLint.
Yeoman generator for webapp development with React, webpack hot reloading, es6 (babel), sass, karma and BrowserSync as a development server/proxy.
WordPress Starter Theme for use as a starting template for building custom themes. Uses SCSS, Normalize, AutoPrefixr, Grunt for compilation/linting/deployments, and BrowserSync for cross-device auto r...
翻译 - WordPress入门主题,用作构建自定义主题的启动模板。使用SCSS,Normalize,AutoPrefixr,Grunt进行编译/加载/部署,并使用BrowserSync进行跨设备自动刷新。
Static Website Starter Kit (static site generator) powered by Gulp, Jade, Bootstrap, LESS and BrowserSync. It can automatically deploy your website to GitHub Pages via Travis CI.
This is the ultimate Bootstrap 5 starter for developers. A boilerplate with Gulp4, cross-env, Sass, sourcemaps, concat, CSS & HTML minification, uglify, image optimization, template partials, BrowserS...
🔥 Webpack 4 setup with Babel, SCSS-CSS support, html creation and linking, file import for images, webpack aliasis, Bootstrap, FontAwesome, BrowserSync and Github Pages publishing
OptimizedHTML is all-inclusive, optimized for Google PageSpeed start HTML5 template with Bootstrap (grid only), Gulp, Sass, Browsersync, Autoprefixer, PostCSS, Uglify, gulp-imagemin, Vinyl-FTP (+Rsync...
🚀 Learn React with 30 reusable components, 15 chapters, and 3 single page apps. Fast start project with JavaScript ES6. React Hot Loading. React Router. Redux. PostCSS, FlexBox styling. Firebas...