Discord Bot to automute Among Us players at round transitions, in conjunction with https://github.com/automuteus/amonguscapture
翻译 - Discord Bot可以在我们之间抓取屏幕数据,并在每回合之间自动将玩家静音
Instructions and Resources for Deploying AutoMuteUs
Unofficial AutoMuteUs docker image for Heroku deployment
Utilities for Galactus and Automuteus to share
Capture of the local Among Us executable state
翻译 - 捕获“我们之间”本地可执行状态
The web dashboard of the AutoMuteUs Discord bot for Among Us.
Portable version of AutoMuteUs for Windows
Impostor plugin for automuteus
AutoMuteUs Selfhost on GCP.
Examples of AutoMuteUs deployments i.e. Grafana dashboard, SSL certs, etc.