Atom One dark syntax theme
A syntax theme for Atom Material UI
Monokai Atom Syntax theme
Atom Dark Syntax theme
ReactJS Support for atom (syntax, snippets)
A dark Vim/Neovim color scheme inspired by Atom's One Dark syntax theme.
Atom One light syntax theme
A pretty Atom syntax theme based on Lonely Planet colours
Predawn is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom.
翻译 - Predawn是Sublime Text和Atom的深色界面和语法主题。
Vue component file syntax for Atom
翻译 - Atom的Vue组件文件语法
PDDL syntax highlighting for Atom
Adds syntax highlighting to Kotlin files in Atom
Qt Creator editor color scheme based on atom-material-syntax
Python language support for Atom-IDE :atom: 🐍
Atom Package Manager
Language Server Protocol support for Atom (the basis of Atom-IDE)
翻译 - 语言服务器协议对Atom的支持(Atom-IDE的基础)
Emmet support for Atom
A personal experimental C++ Syntax 2 -> Syntax 1 compiler
Atom snippets package
📝 Markdown preview in Atom
Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds
📰 RSS/Atom feed reader
翻译 - 📰 RSS/Atom 提要阅读器