🧰 A modern alternative to the Microsoft Assembly Binding Log Viewer (FUSLOGVW.exe)
翻译 - Microsoft程序集绑定日志查看器(FUSLOGVW.exe)的现代替代品
Nyxstone: assembly / disassembly library based on LLVM, implemented in C++ with Rust and Python bindings, maintained by emproof.com
Code binding generator for Web Assembly from WebIDL
A tool to generate binding redirects from assemblies in a given path.
Enables assembly binding redirects definition in Sitecore include configs
Using C # to implement flutter desktop assembly binding
Implementation of Web Assembly bindings for a TLS protocol parser in Rust
dnSpy 是一个 .NET 调试和反编译工具
Reflectionless data binding for Go's net/http (not actively maintained)
Assembly tutorial
Assembly programming game
.NET Assembly Dumper
PacBio Assembly Tool Suite: Reads in ⇨ Assembly out
A Swift binding framework
Generate x86 Assembly with Go
翻译 - 使用Go生成x86 Assembly
Visual Studio extension for assembly syntax highlighting and code completion in assembly files and the disassembly window
SDL2 binding for Go
翻译 - Go的SDL2绑定
Go binding for GTK
翻译 - 绑定GTK
📖 An approachable introduction to Assembly.
RISC-V Assembly Programmer's Manual
Convert MSVC Style Inline Assembly to GCC Style Inline Assembly
Assembly Programming and Computer Architecture for Software Engineers