ARCore SDK for Unity
翻译 - 适用于Unity的ARCore SDK
Google ARCore Extensions and Geospatial Creator for Unity's AR Foundation
Unity AR Colormapping for easyar,vuforia,maxstar, arkit, arcore
DEPRECATED! A place to create/learn with Unity, ARKit/ARCore, and Mapbox!
Unity plugin that adds shadow and collision to ARCore.
👣 An augmented reality indoor navigation app made in Unity and ARCore
Visualizing a 3D model of a brain segmented from an MRI, with Google ARCore (Preview) for Unity.
CityEngine Augmented Reality template for Unity ARCore
Unity ARCore implementation of shooting stars
Building AI using ARCore in Unity
A molecular viewer augmented reality android app. Designed using Unity and ARCore.
ARCore Course
ARCore SDK for Android Studio
翻译 - 适用于Android Studio的ARCore SDK
ARCore SDK for Unreal
ARCore SDK for iOS
source code of ARCore Measure app.
An attempt to create an augmented reality stack builder game for Android using Google's ARCore, Unity, and C#.
Google ARCore (dev preview 1) for "unsupported" Android devices
Doodle new worlds onto your own, with Google ARCore.
ARCore Augmented Faces for Android written in Kotlin + Sceneform
Unity WebGL 微信小游戏适配方案
使用arCore 实现多点测距的Demo
Allows items to be placed within the AR world with real-world GPS coordinates using ARCore.