中文版 Apple 官方 Swift 教程《The Swift Programming Language》
The Unofficial Apple iOS Swift Calendar View. Swift calendar Library. iOS calendar Control. 100% Customizable
📅 Calendar for Apple platforms in Swift
Replacement for Apple's Reachability re-written in Swift with closures
Google ProtocolBuffers for Apple Swift
Apple TV Parallax effect in Swift.
Apple Swift Samples
Neural Network built in Apple Playground using Swift
Moved to apple/swift-protobuf
#编程语言#Swift 是由苹果公司开源的编程语言,用于编写iOS和macOS应用。Swift的设计以安全为出发点,结合了C和Objective-C的优点并且不受C兼容性的限制。
This maintains proposals for changes and user-visible enhancements to the Swift Programming Language.
翻译 - 这维护了对Swift编程语言进行更改和用户可见的增强的建议。
Event-driven network application framework for high performance protocol servers & clients, non-blocking.
翻译 - 用于高性能协议服务器和客户端的事件驱动的网络应用程序框架,无阻塞。
#算法刷题#Commonly used sequence and collection algorithms for Swift
翻译 - Swift Algorithms是序列和收集算法及其相关类型的开源软件包。
Plugin and runtime library for using protobuf with Swift
Commonly used data structures for Swift
翻译 - 生产级Swift数据结构包
A set of Swift libraries for parsing, inspecting, generating, and transforming Swift source code.
Swift Markdown 是一个用于解析和渲染 MarkDown 的Swift库,能分析文档树结构,修改元素节点
The Swift Programming Language book
Advanced mathematical types and functions for Swift
翻译 - Swift的数值API
Open-source implementation of a substantial portion of the API of Apple CryptoKit suitable for use on Linux platforms.
翻译 - 适用于Linux平台的Apple CryptoKit API很大一部分的开源实现。