Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular 10+
翻译 - 基于Angular 8+的可定制管理仪表板模板
CoreUI Angular is free Angular 18 admin template based on Bootstrap 5
翻译 - CoreUI Angular是基于Bootstrap 4的免费Angular 2+管理模板
Angular Material admin template.
Material Angular Admin Template
翻译 - 材质角度管理模板
Free Angular Admin Template by PrimeNG
Star Admin Angular Admin is a free admin template based on Bootstrap 4 and Angular
翻译 - Star Admin Angular Admin是基于Bootstrap 4和Angular的免费管理模板
Purple Admin Angular Admin is a free admin template based on Bootstrap 4 and Angular
Angular2,4,6 project with AdminLTE dashboard template (using angular, angular-cli and ngx-admin-lte ) Formerly called 'ng2-admin-lte'.
翻译 - 带有AdminLTE仪表板模板的Angular2,4,6项目(使用angular,angular-cli和ngx-admin-lte)以前称为'ng2-admin-lte'。
Admin template for Material Design for Angular Bootstrap.
A free, open source, Angular admin dashboard template, created by Start Bootstrap
Customizable admin dashboard template based on Angular and DevUI
Documentation for "Fury - Angular 2 Material Design Admin Template"
Angular 2, 4, 6, Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard template
vue electron admin template web:
a vue2.0 minimal admin template
翻译 - vue2.0最小管理模板
Admin dashboard template.
Free Bootstrap Admin & Dashboard Template
翻译 - CoreUI是免费的引导管理模板
Angular admin
Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
翻译 - 免费的Bootstrap 4管理仪表板模板
Angular admin dashboard with material design