Active record style SQLite persistence for Android
翻译 - 适用于Android的活动记录样式SQLite持久性
Active Record, improved. Live again :)
翻译 - 活动记录,改进。再次生活:)
ActiveRecord backend integration for DelayedJob 3.0+
Composite Primary Keys support for Active Record
翻译 - 复合主键对Active Record的支持
Adds additional postgres functionality to an ActiveRecord / Rails application
翻译 - 向ActiveRecord / Rails应用程序添加其他postgres功能
Identify database issues before they hit production.
StateMachines Active Record Integration
Mass populate an Active Record database.
An Active Record Reputation System for Rails
翻译 - 一个Active Record信誉系统
Paginate Active Record sets at variable speeds
翻译 - 以可变速度分页活动记录集
calculate_all method for aggregate functions in Active Record
翻译 - Active Record中聚合函数的calculate_all方法
Add MySQL geometry type to Active Record.
A Ruby implementation of an Event Store based on Active Record
翻译 - 基于Active Record的事件存储的Ruby实现
A tool for to run active record examples
Adds ability to pull back random records from Active Record
A lightweight Active Record implementation for PHP5, built on top of Idiorm.
翻译 - 一个基于Idiorm的PHP5轻量级Active Record实现。
Active Record, Django-like queries, nested eager load and beauty __repr__ for SQLAlchemy
Pass control of Active Record methods to a dedicated object.
IdentityCache is a blob level caching solution to plug into Active Record. Don't #find, #fetch!
翻译 - IdentityCache是可插入ActiveRecord的Blob级缓存解决方案。不要#寻找,#获取!
CodeIgniter 3 Active Record (ORM) Standard Model with Laravel Eloquent & Yii2 AR like
Rails plugin that logs/displays a backtrace of all SQL queries executed by Active Record
翻译 - Rails插件,记录/显示Active Record执行的所有SQL查询的回溯
ActiveRecord boilerplate for demo @LeWagon
翻译 - 用于演示@LeWagon 的 ActiveRecord 样板