Code for GPT-4chan
Clover - imageboard browser for Android (moved from Floens/Clover)
Python3 script to continuously download all images/webms of multiple 4chan thread simultaneously - without installation
The Bibliotheca Anonoma: A wikified library of the internet's treasures. Researching Something Awful, 2channel, 4chan, and other imageboard/textboard communities.
翻译 - Bibliotheca Anonoma:互联网宝藏的图书馆。研究Something Awful,2channel,4chan和其他imageboard / textboard社区。
Chanu - 4chan for Android
Extra Flags for 4chan boards, supports /int/, /sp/ and /pol/.
CLI Reddit, Hacker News, 4chan, and lainchan browser
A low vram ver for installing novelai 4chan leaked ver.
A dumper to download whole galleries from boards like 4chan, yandere, mangaeden, deviantart, etc.
A userscript to make E-Hentai & ExHentai links on 4chan & Foolz archive more useful. Includes ExSauce.