Svelte Meta Tags provides components designed to help you manage SEO for Svelte projects.
HTML Basics ( HTML-5 )
Pluggable app to allow Django developers to quickly add meta tags and OpenGraph, Twitter, and Google Plus properties to their HTML responses.
#博客#django CMS blog application - Support for multilingual posts, placeholders, social network meta tags and configurable apphooks
🐘 Simple PHP library to help developers 🍻 do better on-page SEO optimization 🤖
翻译 - 🐘 简单的 PHP 库,帮助开发者 🍻 做更好的页面 SEO 优化 🤖
Preview and generate meta tags - Optimize your website's online presence with our intuitive and efficient tool. You can generate custom meta tags in seconds, ensuring your content is properly indexed ...
Set document title and meta tags with Vue.js
🚀 SeoTags generates All SEO Tags you need such as meta, link, Twitter card (twitter:), Open Graph (for Facebook) (og:), and JSON-LD schema (structured data).
Inspired/stolen from
Library that assists in building Open Graph meta tags
🏷️ A JavaScript library for scraping/parsing metadata from a web page.
Svead 🍺, a component that allows you to set head meta information, canonical, title, Twitter and Facebook Open Graph tags, and data.
OpenGraph, Twitter Card and Google+ snippet tags for django CMS 3 pages
🔍 OpenGraph, Twitter Card and snippet tags for Wagtail CMS pages
A large snippet for your page's <head> that includes all the meta tags you'll need for OPTIMAL sharing and SEO. Extensive work has been put into ensuring you have the optimal images for the most impor...
Set document title and meta tags with JavaScript
Ensure your HTML is previewed beautifully across social networks.