Zuul 是Netflix 公司开源的一个API 网关组件,提供了认证、鉴权、限流、动态路由、监控、弹性、安全、负载均衡、协助单点压测等边缘服务的框架
Rate limit auto-configure for Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul
[UNMAINTAINED] multi-framework javascript browser testing
MOVED: Now at https://opendev.org/zuul/zuul
Use Zuul and Spring Security for a global authentication.
Spring AuthorizationServer load balanced behind Zuul
Zuul reverse proxy web socket support
Simple benchmark comparing zuul and spring cloud gateway
Samples of custom Zuul 1 filters for use in Spring Cloud Netflix
🌴 A sample for zuul-swagger2 to test original services
Example of microservices application with Spring Boot, Zuul, Eureka, MongoDB and RabbitMQ.
基于Nginx&Lua 和Netflix Eureka的微服务网关。请看看:https://github.com/tietang/zebra
API文档管家 - 基于Swagger与Zuul实现的API文档聚合工具
Spring Boot rest microservices using Kubernetes, ConfigMap, Eureka, Zuul / Spring Boot Gateway, Docker. Monitoring with logstash, logback, elasticsearch, kibana.
🍁 基于Lua的Spring Cloud网关高可用通用Ngnix插件
SpringCloud相关DEMO(包含: zuul\eureka\swagger2\feign\spring cloud config\spring data rest\spring boot admin等)
整合SpringCloud nacos mybits mybitsplus seata redis kafka rocketMq mongodb springsecurity JWT swagger2 zuul 等