💪A powerful network request library, encapsulated using the RxJava2 + Retrofit2 + OKHttp combination.(一个功能强悍的网络请求库,使用RxJava2 + Retrofit2 + OKHttp组合进行封装)
一个简单的spring boot搭建的api服务,为XHttp提供服务支持。包括:常用的数据库数据增、删、改、查,文件上传下载,全局异常捕获、权限认证、日志记录等。
xhttpcache is a HTTP static cache service, which is also NOSQL database as K-V storage supporting REDIS protocol interface as well as REST interface of HTTP protocol.
🔥QQ:交流群 :192268854。简介:不依赖第三方的网络请求框架;可用作SDK开发,不会发生jar包冲突;目前只实现了get/post.请求,post支持多文件上传;后期逐渐完善其他功能。
telos protocol http server
A cross-platform client-side HTTP library for Dart, written with an emphasis on composition