WWDC Community: Learning and sharing together
翻译 - WWDC社区:一起学习和共享
WWDC 2019 video downloader script written in Swift - no external dependency.
Script to download the sample code for all WWDC 2018 sessions.
翻译 - 用于下载所有WWDC 2018会话的示例代码的脚本。
A Cocoa OSX App to help you download WWDC2014 videos
WWDC 2014 Video Subtitles
Searchable full-text transcripts of WWDC sessions
翻译 - WWDC会话的可搜索全文成绩单
wwdc 中文字幕
WWDC 2015 Video 英文字幕 (共104个)
⏬ Help you get WWDC info easily, especially for subtitles.