An unofficial simple wechat pay gem
翻译 - 非官方的简单微信支付宝
wechat payment api for document v3.3.5
非官方微信支付 iOS demo
🔥微信支付(WeChat Pay) SDK for Golang
A wechat mp and pay demo based on WxJava and springmvc.
WeChat web app with wx_pay in rails
An android password view that looks like the pay password view in wechat app and alipay app.
Personal Payment Solution based on Wechaty
a pay library of PHP that integrate WeChat Pay and Alipay
wechat pay of H5 Integration springboot
微信指纹支付 (Fingerprint pay for WeChat)
A pay library for Android, and which support Wechat pay and Ali pay. And developer can easily use Wechat pay in two lines of code. And developer can easily use Ali pay in three lines of code. ...
Accept Payments with Apple Pay and Android Pay using the Payment Request API.
Mad Pay will help you make payments through Apple Pay and Google Pay
Coinbase Pay SDK
Payments for Ruby on Rails apps
翻译 - Ruby on Rails的订阅引擎。
通过 Django, Django Rest Framework, wechatpy 实现微信小程序端的支付功能
Sample store accepting universal payments on the web with Stripe Elements, Payment Request, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, and the PaymentIntents API. 💳🌍✨
翻译 - 通过Stripe Elements,付款请求,Apple Pay,Google Pay,Microsoft Pay和PaymentIntents API在网上接受通用付款的示例商店。 💳🌍✨
Amazon Pay PHP SDK
让使用微信支付的朋友最快速度接入微信支付; 两行代码解决微信支付提供的各种服务, 开箱即用, 可扩展性超强(只需根据服务的上下行协议定义协议类后, 放入工厂即可获取调用结果).
ChatGPT for wechat
Use Python3, Django, Django-rest-framework to achieve wechat payment. 微信支付、服务器异步通知、订单查询、退款