Simple, modern looking server status page with administration and some nice features, that can run even on shared webhosting
WebHostingHub Glyphs is a most comprehensive set of glyph icons available as font. The goal is to be fully compatible with Bootstrap and other frameworks and CMSs. It will be constantly updated so if ...
rock solid default firewall-rules for webhosts
Let's Encrypt Skripte für Hosteurope WebHosting
MBTiles and MapTiler folder hosting with TileJSON, OGC WMTS, UTFGrid interaction and web interface. QGIS & ESRI ArcGIS compatible. Runs on any Apache+PHP webhosting. MapBox Studio Vector Tiles hosting...
Docker image for DirectAdmin webhosting panel
fastdownload support for srcds without the need for webhosting
Simple WebHosting Management system
WordPress, security, speed, backuping, webhosting, and tuned Apache2.4 server with php-fpm, chroot and other stuff.