📏 Soothing pastel theme for Waybar
✨ Hyprland + Waybar with Catppuccin theme • Arch Linux
Waybar layouts for Peux OS
Dotfiles for Hyprland , waybar , fish , tmux
This script installs sway window manager and waybar on an Arch-Linux base system.
This is slight improvement of Hyprland-v2 plus added small waybar customization
Tiny Waybar module to check Arch Linux updates from official repositories and AUR.
Dark theme for i3+polybar, sway+waybar, rofi, GTK, spotify and Discord based on the Tokyo Night vscode theme
翻译 - 基于东京之夜 vscode 主题的 i3+polybar、sway+waybar、rofi、GTK、spotify 和 Discord 的深色主题